Boost Up! Your Brainpower…
Welcome to this month’s edition of our newsletter! We’re diving into an exciting topic: brain training. Recent research has shown that movement and physical activity don’t just keep your body in shape—they’re key to keeping your brain sharp too! Studies reveal that regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of dementia and other cognitive issues as we age. It’s amazing how a little movement can make such a big difference to your mind. In this issue, we’ll explore how chiropractic care can support brain health, and how staying active helps both mind and body thrive.
What is Brain Power?
Brain power can simply be described as one’s intellectual capacity, but what does that actually mean? Let’s think of the brain as a vast network of connections between neurons. These neurons receive signals from the information super highway known as the spinal cord, which relays messages from our sensory receptors. Our brain power is the combination of the strength, number and diversity of these connections.
The human brain makes up roughly only 2% of our mass, but consumes approximately 20% of our metabolic load! Per gram, the human brain takes up 10x more energy than muscle!
Movement and Brain Health
The physical benefits of movement and activity are widely spoken about and acknowledged, but movement is incredibly beneficial for your brain, too. Regular movement encourages growth of new neural connections, as well as strengthening existing connections.
First and foremost, moving your body promotes increased blood flow to your brain, delivering more oxygen and valuable nutrients. This helps consolidate memory, learning and problem solving skills. Additionally, research shows that the more active you are, the lower your risk for developing cognitive issues such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Movement also promotes neuroplasticity - the ability of your brain to recognise, adapt and form new neural connections. This is crucial for learning new skills, recovering from injuries and general mental agility. Last, but by no means least, exercise stimulates the release of ‘feel good’ brain chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin. These hormones help regulate mood, reduce stress and improve sleep.
What Are We Reading?
Build Your Brain Power: The Art of Smart Thinking - Simon Wootton & Terry Horne
Based on the latest scientific findings and including up-to-date coverage of how meditative skills such as mindfulness can enhance your brain power, this book gives you everything you need to get a mental edge.
What Are We Listening To?
Exercising for brain health | Drs Dean & Ayesha Sherzai -
The Proof with Simon Hill
The doctors discuss how movement impacts cognition, engaging your brain while exercising, and aging and brain health.